Wednesday, February 27, 2019

blog3 Immigration reform will work better than a border wall (El Paso)

On Monday, Feburary 25, 2019. The El Paso published an article titled Immigration reform will work better than a border wall.

The article "Immigration reform will work better than a border wall" was written by Sylvia Garcia. She said that over the past 1- years, violent crime rate has not changed in El Paso because of the border wall; however, other minor crimes have decreased thanks to task forces initiated by the El Paso Police Department. Donald Trump did not try to solve the fundamental problem. He just turned to declare a national emergency to build a wall that he hopes will stop undocumented immigrants and drugs from entering their country. The author mentions that Trump's wall will not prove to be successful. Therefore, she believes that a more successful approach is reforming our existing immigration policies and increasing the number of officers at our ports of entry to stop drugs from entering.

I totally agree with her opinion. President Donald Trump claimed that El Paso went from "one of the most dangerous cities in the country to one of the safest cities in the country overnight" after "a wall was put up" along the Mexico border. However, it was false. There was no "overnight" drop in violent crimes in El Paso after "a wall was put up." In fact, the city's violent crime rate increased by 5.5 percent from 2007 to 2010. Before construction on the fence began, the city's violent crime rate dropped 62 percent from its peak in 1993 to 2007, a year. I think his border wall project looks extreme way. There are other ways to solve this problem, but he just forces his way without thinking for people. If he spends the billions of dollars for revising their immigration policies and adding more technology and agents at the ports of entry instead of building a border wall, many problems would be decreasing.

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